Send a Paage after a discovery call

Use Paage to create a summary page after a discovery call, track engagement, and increase chances of closing the deal

Why send a Paage?

Create a mini landing page for your buyers to summarize the call so buyers want to share it internally.

  • Track engagement. With Paage, you can see if your buyers opened and interacted with your call recap. This allows you to follow up accordingly and have more meaningful conversations.
  • Increase forwarding. A visually compelling Paage call recap is more likely to be forwarded to other decision makers than a long email. This gets your solution in front of more people in the buying committee.
  • Stand out. Yet another email will just blend into the sea of messages in your buyer’s inbox. A Paage gives you a chance to catch their attention with an eye-catching thumbnail and quick summary of your solution.

How to structure your Paage

Use the pre-built template Paage provides when you create a New Paage

post demo template

Focus your Paage on

  • The pain points the prospect shared
  • Why your product is uniquely capable of solving those problems
  • How your product works
  • Who your customers are
  • Any other materials the prospect requested.

How to use the “Next Steps” section of your Paage

You’ll be able to add buttons to your Paage.

You should add up to 4 buttons, and use it in the following way:

cta examples

This way you can link them to more resources without cluttering your Paage.

Adding Paage to your email

Keep the email you add your Paage to intentionally short.

The goal here is to get buyers to open your Paage so you can track how long they view it.

There is a high correlation between buyers spending time on your Paage and buying from you.

Also, by adding everything into a link, you can make it easy for buyers to share your pitch internally on Slack.

post call email

Install the Paage chrome extension

This will insert a Paage button in your Gmail compose window, so you can easily search and add a Paage without switching tabs.

chrome extension email

Create a template → Duplicate

If you find yourself sharing the same content after multiple calls, consider creating a template Paage and duplicating it for each call.

You can then change only the 10% of the content that needs to be specific to each call, such as the prospect's pain points and requested materials.

This can save you time and effort while still providing a personalized recap for each buyer.

duplicate paage from table

Use folders

Use folders for good hygiene. Create a folder call Call Recaps and pin 📌 your template to the top. Then, include all your call recaps in there.

If someone views your Paage, follow up immediately

You’ll get an email notification when someone views your Paage.

It might feel creepy, but following up immediately will guarantee that you’re top of mind.

Try to keep your follow up message light and simple, almost like you’re sending them a text.

post activity follow up

What are good indicators of interest?

You will be able to forecast your deal based on how your buyers engage with your Paage.

Your buyer is considered very interested (and likely to buy from you) if they:

  • ✅ Spend > 20 seconds looking at your Paage
  • ✅ Click on links inside your Paage.
  • ✅ Share it internally on Slack
  • ✅ Their colleagues spend time viewing your Paage

Buyers are likely not interested in your solution if they:

  • ❌ Don’t open your Paage link
  • ❌ Only spend a few seconds looking at it
  • ❌ Don’t click any link inside your Paage
  • ❌ Don’t share it internally
Before a demo call